"I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
I said to someone Sunday, “I think the world is on fire,” but was almost immediately reminded that it’s been “on fire” for as long as time itself. I guess I’ve been consumed with what’s going on in Cuba. I spend my days praying for my friends, trying to figure out how to help, and trying to figure out what’s going on. On the news, which in itself is a whole other thing to discern, the images and video are heartbreaking. Our friends whose faith and resolve to stay the course send us messages of hope, but I can only guess that they don’t want us to worry and aren’t giving a complete accurate telling of the chaos going on.
I’m passing along a recent message from Pastor Ricardo. Even though things are hard the Lord is giving them opportunities to help people and further the Kingdom.
When things get heavy and our hearts are burdened, I have to remind myself to look up, keep my eyes on Jesus, and move forward. Just. Keep. Moving.
Message from Cuba
My dear brother I thank God for your life for your family and ministry. I appreciate your concern for us, the situation in Cuba is really the worst in the last 60 years in every way. I know you see the images so we know that you all pray for us. BUT despite the situation, God continues to support us, we have been able to fence a large part of the farm, which is a great miracle because it is VERY difficult to get the fence, we have planted corn, bomb fruit, bananas, lemon, yucca, avocado, mango, cane … and we have 30 head of cattle, which has allowed us to bless many people with milk, something that is also very precious because it is very difficult to obtain. God is faithful and has rewarded us with friends like you who do not forget or abandon us. THANKS. We are working on the roof for the cows. We will keep in touch, please ask all our brothers to pray for us, we trust that our God will continue to take care of us. Greetings to all my American family and brothers in Christ.
A big hug from your brother and Cuban friend,

Maternity Home Update - Uganda
Things are moving right along with this project. If all goes as planned we will be headed to Uganda at the end of the year to dedicate the new maternity ward! As you can see from the photos the brick work is completed up to the wall cap and the roof will go up next. This phase has been fully funded! Pastor Kato has members of his church ministering to the builders and carpenters and sharing the gospel every day. He reports that 10 of the workers have given their lives to Christ!

Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us and the work the Lord is doing around the world. I just want to repeat Pastor Ricardo’s words, “God is faithful and has rewarded us with friends like you who do not forget or abandon us.” Your generous hearts and gifts keep us working and moving forward when the world says it’s hopeless. We know, as you do, the time is short and people need Jesus!
Thank you for TRECing with us!
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