November 2022: Ministry Update


I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging for bread. Psalm 37:25

The last three months have brought us to our knees in thanksgiving. The Lord’s faithfulness and goodness have been front and center, not only in ministry but also in our personal life. The golf tournament in memory of our friend Stan Sherlin was a huge success. Jeff worked hard to make this something that would bring honor to Stan and to help bring awareness to the medical needs in Uganda. His hard work paid off, and we were able to raise about $30,000 to go towards building a medical clinic that is desperately needed. Jeff’s plan is to go to Uganda in January to dedicate the Maternity Ward and also to go see the progress being made on the Medical Clinic on the island of Tisai.

In the last couple of months we have been busy taking teams into Cuba to bring much needed supplies to the Church. Things in Cuba are deteriorating quickly, and taking in supplies like rice, beans, powdered milk, flour, and sugar are high on the priority list right now. I read a pretty accurate article on what’s happening in Cuba. Here’s the link in case you’d like to read it: How-Cubans-respond-to-food-shortages. If you’d like to help us buy these supplies you can use this link: Our brothers and sisters appreciate your help so much! Every time we are in Cuba and get to share our God story people respond. When Truth is proclaimed hearts soften and lives are saved!

After each mission I usually ask everyone to try and give me a paragraph or two about what the Lord has shown or taught them. I wanted to share with you what our friend and board member, Malcolm Smith, had to say:

The Cuba ministry experience is truly amazing because of the relationships that TREC has established with our ministry partners that have lived in Cuba their entire lives. It is a continual relationship that does not end when we say our goodbyes at the airport. TREC has weekly meetings with the ministry team to provide support, encouragement, prayer, and guidance. TREC has a five-year plan to help them establish a micro-business that will then help support their local ministry. TREC provides a hand up, not a hand out.

When arriving in Cuba, it seems like you are transported back into the 1950s. Time has certainly stood still in certain ways since the communist government gained control. Many Cubans do not have a relationship with Christ as the government has put many restrictions on group gatherings. Yet, there is a hunger in Cuba for knowing the Truth and experiencing something real and beyond themselves. Many Cubans are receptive to hearing our testimonies of how Christ has impacted our lives and how He lives within us. Our ministry partners have such a loving and inviting family that welcome us with open arms. They have become part of our extended family. We all love having meals together and just simply enjoying each other’s company.

We would love for others to prayerfully consider joining TREC in getting their faith dirty and teaming with them on a ministry experience in Cuba. Praying over and with our ministry partners, showing the love of Christ to people that have been oppressed and without hope for so many years, worshipping with a group of believers that speak and sing in a different language but share the love of Christ, seeing how a country that had such great potential has been destroyed by communism, and coming into a ministry partnership with TREC that seeks His will in every relationship will certainly impact those of you that are willing to get out of the boat, walk in faith towards Christ, and spread His love.

Malcolm Smith

Pictured above: Albert, Dexter, Julie, Malcolm, Sherry, Michael, and Yunior

As the end of the year quickly approaches we want to thank you for helping us to proclaim the name of Christ with your time, talents, and gifts. Year end giving helps us finish strong and gives us momentum for the work next year. You can give by check and send it to PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124 or through the website using the link at the bottom of this letter. Thank you for supporting us through the years…there is still so much left to do.


July 2024 – Ministry Update

“My dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 This month Yunior, Albert, and Daimel (a new believer) went on

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June 2024 – Ministry Update

During the summer months we don’t usually travel to Cuba, so we have been helping many families with supplies that I can purchase through online grocery stores. There are two stores we can access. One is called Diplomarket aka the “Cuban Costco” and the other is Supermarket 23. You’ve heard

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May 2024 – Ministry Update

Jeff and I went down to Cuba this past weekend to attend Albert’s daughter’s 15th birthday party (Quinceañera) and to take some supplies down. It was a sweet time with Yunior, Albert, and their families. While we were there we were able to spend some really good quality time with

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