Jeff and I went down to Cuba this past weekend to attend Albert’s daughter’s 15th birthday party (Quinceañera) and to take some supplies down. It was a sweet time with Yunior, Albert, and their families.
While we were there we were able to spend some really good quality time with the guys and had some meaningful conversations. We also met a few guys Albert has led to the Lord and is discipling. He asked if we could bring them some bibles. They each have overcome some very hard things…mostly drug addictions and all that brings. It’s so awesome to see Albert find his niche. Albert’s story is very much the same as these guys. The Lord rescued him from drugs and gangs after an overdose. Albert’s story of redemption is incredible, and to see the Lord using him to snatch others from the pit is just awesome! He’s dreaming of a rehab center for kids like these, and we’re dreaming with him!
Albert made the guys a bracelet that has W O G on it…Warriors of God. That’s their new identity!
Let me introduce the guys to you so you can pray for them by name.

From the left: Antuan, Maydiel, Albert, and Liam.
Pray for Albert as he ministers to these guys and their friends. There are so many hopeless young men on the island…but, HELP IS ON THE WAY! Jesus is the answer for them and YOU!
Also, please continue to pray for Yaili (Yunior’s wife) in Miami. She is terribly sick. It’s heartbreaking for us, for Yunior and her children, and her friends. We all feel helpless. But even so, we know the Lord is good and He will make a way. Hopefully we can make a trip down to Miami soon to check on her.

When things are tough and the world seems like it’s without hope…that’s when Jesus shines the brightest. That’s when we get to experience the supernatural presence of God. Those are the times when the Holy Ghost is most active in giving direction and guidance…If we keep our eyes on HIM. There are so many hurting, hopeless people all around us, and the answer is Jesus. I pray the Lord gives you an opportunity to share hope with someone who is struggling today.
Thank you for partnering with us as we teach, reach, equip, and comfort those in our path. You are a blessing to so many!
Jeff and Trudy
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
A few photos from the weekend

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