When we face difficulties, we sometimes forget God’s past faithfulness. We see only the detours and the dangerous path. But look back and you will also see the joy of victory, the challenge of the climb, and the presence of your Traveling Companion who has promised never to leave, abandon, or give up on you.
We got a message from Pastor Kato and wanted to share it with you. Please consider giving toward this worthwhile project and investing into the lives of families! You are a blessing!
Dear Brother Jeff,
Hope this email finds you well. I praise God for the divine connection with you and the TREC family. We thank you so much for your involvement in our maternity ward project at Nyabugando Baptist Church. We praise God for the first installment raised. We are going to begin the construction right away. The maternity ward at Grace Mission Medical Center will keep reminding me of the state in which my daughter was born. Here is a story of how my daughter was born.

Her date of birth is 17 November 2001. Her name is Biira Immaculate. It was nighttime at around 8:00 pm when my wife complained of the pains during birth. The hospital was over 6 kilometers away from my home. I was in a poor state with less income during those days. I needed a vehicle to take my wife to deliver in a hospital, but there was no money for transport. During those days hydroelectricity was not in our area so we used kerosene candles to have lights during the night. Unfortunately, my kerosene candle had no kerosene because I also didn’t have money to buy kerosene. It was night inside our bedroom with a lot of darkness. We were living alone in our house without any house girl or any other helper. I had to leave my wife in the house with pregnancy pain to borrow paraffin from the neighbor to light our kerosene candle. Later I left my wife in the hands of a neighbor and moved out during the same night to pick a traditional birth attendant in a distance of a kilometer to help my wife deliver. The birth attendant was not fully trained to help mothers deliver. I helped the traditional birth attendant, but I had no training to help mothers deliver. Whatever I was doing was a trial and error method to help my wife. It took hours for my wife to push a baby. I remember a man who came to assist us, so he shut my wife’s mouth and nose so that she might push the baby. This was very risky. But by God’s grace, my daughter was born.
The next day during morning hours visitors came to check on the baby girl. I don’t remember preparing a meal for them as I was living in scarce of resources. I praise God for giving life to my wife and baby during my child’s birth. Having the experience of my own biological child being born in a sorrowful state has prompted me to be involved in programs promoting mothers to deliver safely like maternity ward projects. My dream has become true. Glory to God he does his things in the right time. Thank you, Jeff and the TREC family for your support towards our maternity ward project here in Uganda. May God’s grace be upon you in all your ways.
Serving Jesus with you,
Pastor Kato Stephens
Nyabugando Baptist Church

The Cottage Project
Pokhara, Nepal
Here’s a quick update on the cottage project that Pastor Sanjeep Thapa is overseeing. These cottages will be built to house trekkers who travel to the Annapurna Circuit to hike. People come from all over the world to trek in this beautiful place. The downstairs of the first cottage will be used as the office, and the upstairs will be a home for Sanjeep and his family. Our plan is to build several more cottages. The money made from trekkers will be used for upkeep of the cottages and will help support Sanjeep and his ministry. These cottages will also be used for pastor conferences, youth events, and for our team members who travel with us to Pokhara. The above picture is the view from the cottage!

I wanted to finish up by once again reminding you that this will be the last printed newsletter. There are still many ways for you to know what is going on at TREC, to pray for all the various projects going on all across the globe and for those who partner with us, and a way to give and make a difference in the lives of people. Most importantly, there is a way for you to stay connected with us as we share the good news of Jesus to a very lost and dark world.
- You can scroll to the bottom of this page and sign up to receive the newsletter straight to your email. Fill it in and you won’t have to think about it…it will come straight to your email inbox. If you don’t subscribe you can go to the blog page and see all the newsletters…present and past. Either way, you can stay up to date on all that is going on.
- You can give online as well by clicking on the donate button. You can give one-time gifts, you can sign up for recurrent giving, and you can designate where you’d like your gift to go. SUPER EASY! If you would rather write a check each month, you can absolutely do that. Our address is PO Box 242205 Montgomery, Alabama 36124. You can also set up giving with your bank online. If you use Bill Pay to pay your bills, you can just add TREC and use the address above. We also use Venmo! You can find us @trec-international.
We don’t want to lose contact! We love and appreciate all you do in helping us share the love of Jesus! Please email us or call us any time. (Jeff- 334-303-2626 Trudy 334-313-2530). Thank you as always for TRECing with us and getting your faith dirty!