“Because of our confidence in Christ’s love we dared much and because of our love for Christ we did much.”
Charles Spurgeon
This month we’re preparing two teams to head to Havana. The first team from Centerpoint Fellowship Church in Prattville leaves March 14th with lots of supplies for our friends. They will be working with Pastor Ricardo and his church to bring the good news to the people in his community. The second team from Pike Road Church leaves the 21st with supplies. and they will be working with Pastor Ulises and his church ministering in his community. Both teams bring encouragement and support to our friends Yunior and Albert and their families who are facing the worst food shortage on the island. Here’s an article on what’s happening: https://www.bbc.com/news/
Please keep these teams and our Cuban friends in your prayers as they minister to the hurting and share hope with the lost.

Yunior and Albert
Yailli is still recovering in Miami from her brain surgery. She said she’s in a lot of pain, mainly because the pituitary gland is responsible for regulating hormones. It’s kinda of like the body’s thermostat. Before her surgery, the tumor had everything out of whack and her body had adjusted to the excessive amount of hormones being produced. Now, she’s having to deal with the normal amount, but it’s causing some pain and other discomforts. Would you please continue to pray for her? Not only does she have to manage this by herself, but she’s also missing her family terribly.

Yunior and Yaili
We’re excited about how the Lord will use the teams and supplies He’s sending to Cuba. Thank you for doing your part by giving suitcases, buying beans and rice and other necessities, and praying for us. I think about all the people the Lord is going to draw to Himself through these acts of kindness and how love and hope softens hearts to hear the Gospel. Thank you!
We’d love to get you and your church or small group plugged in so you can put your faith into action. Call Jeff at 334-303-2626 to come give you some information. We’d love to help you take the next step.
Here’s a small blast from the past of just a few pictures of some of those you’ve been a blessing to…may God pour out His blessings on you!
Jeff and Trudy

Just a reminder that you can give online, through your banks bill pay option, with Venmo (@trec-international), and as always by check.
Mail checks to:
PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124