March 2023: Ministry Update

Get Your Faith Dirty


In February we were in Cuba with a team from CenterPoint in Prattville, AL. The mission was a women’s ministry conference for the women at United In Love Church, which is pastor Ricardo’s church. The ladies of United In Love did an excellent job of hosting this event, and it was a blessing to be a part of it. Along with CenterPoint, I had asked Nicole Pinkham, a long time friend, to lead the conference and knew that she would need a fantastic interpreter, so I asked Glenda Escobar, from Vaughn Forest to help. The Lord gave Nicole a message for these ladies that was spot on. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident and women were set free! It couldn’t have gone any better! The Lord used Nicole and Glenda to minister to all of us that day. The ladies from CenterPoint loved on and ministered to the ladies and shared testimony to the faithfulness of God. The men even got involved and helped prepare lunch and served the ladies. They were all an awesome example of love in action. The Lord did abundantly more that we could dare ask or dream! We can’t wait for next year’s conference. 

While in Cuba we also had the opportunity to walk the streets and share our stories with the people we came in contact with. The team noticed that almost everyone was very welcoming and open to hearing what they had to say. Many people received the gift of Salvation and became followers of Jesus. Almost everyone who shares their story of salvation is super nervous and hesitant, but it’s beautiful to watch Jesus overcome fear and hear these awesome stories of redemption. Without a doubt, it’s one of the things we love the most about going to Cuba!

Uganda Update


Jeff, Dexter Watts, and Hudson & Keller Hufham left for Uganda on March 15th. Their mission was to check on the maternity ward and the construction of the new medical clinic on Tisai Island. Hudson and Keller are also helping us with some video of Uganda so we can eventually update the website. I’ve talked with Jeff a few times, and all is well. He said the maternity ward has been open now for about a month, and several babies have been born there. I’m going to add a picture of Keller praying for the mom and baby who were the first to be ministered to at the new facility.

Jeff also said the fish pond project that was started last year is doing great, and Pastor Kato is using the funds to help with the Bible School needs…I’ve posted pictures of some of the fish. Jeff said, “They’re like catfish.”

We’ll update more on the Uganda mission in the next newsletter. Thank you all for continuing to pray. 

There is still so much left to do. I guess we’ll be saying that until we go home or until the Lord returns. Our goal is to snatch as many people as possible out of darkness and bring them into God’s marvelous light. Thank you for being a vital part of that mission. We pray God’s richest blessings on you and your family!

Get Your Faith Dirty, 

Jeff & Trudy 


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