During the summer months we don’t usually travel to Cuba, so we have been helping many families with supplies that I can purchase through online grocery stores. There are two stores we can access. One is called Diplomarket aka the “Cuban Costco” and the other is Supermarket 23. You’ve heard the story about how we had to search for the Costco and were finally able to set up an account with them. The things they sell are all imported (from a Costco in Miami…and I’m not sure how legit it is, but not asking questions is best) so items are expensive. The Supermarket 23 is cheaper, but the items aren’t always available. I tell you all this to let you know there are ongoing expenses through the summer that we could use your help with.
If you feel led to help you can send us a check to TREC @ PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL
36124 and mark groceries in the memo line. You can also go through the website and designate your gift “for groceries” or Venmo me at @trec-international and write “groceries.” Please DO
NOT write the word CUBA on anything you send us. It will cause the transaction to be declined or be investigated.
Yunior and Albert (and families) are all doing ok…things are very difficult, but they endure trusting Jesus. Yaili has been in the States now for a year and will be filing paperwork to get
lawful permanent resident status. Once this is done, she will be able to travel back and forth to Cuba. I spoke with her and Yunior the other night, and she is doing so much better physically. She’s lost 66 lbs. so far just by getting her hormones back to the right levels. She is still in a great deal of pain and continues with follow up appointments with her doctors. Thank you for praying for her. Our God is Faithful and True!

From the left: Antuan, Maydiel, Albert, and Liam.
The medical clinic on the island of Tisai in Uganda is still progressing. Things got held up in government red tape, and our friend Martin, who is overseeing this project for us, has had to grease a few palms to get things moving again. Here are some current pictures of the clinic:

Jeff and a team (Jeff Benefield, Matt Mays, and James Duke) will be traveling at the end of the summer to go to India. Jeff tried a couple of years ago to go see Jiwan, but the monsoons kept the plane from landing. We have several church building projects going on in the Darjeeling area, so the guys are going to go check on that and spend some time with Jiwan and all our church planting friends! Pray for them as they prepare to go.
Thank you so much for your continued support. We’ve been TRECing with you guys for 20 years now, and your faithfulness and support have been unwavering. What a blessing to have such a support system. You guys are the best! We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us all!
Jeff and Trudy
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