“My dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
This month Yunior, Albert, and Daimel (a new believer) went on a mission to the east side of the island. As you know, things in Cuba are very bad…in every way possible, but on the east side of the island, it is even worse. The guys have been saving and with your help we were able to provide them transportation and some supplies to take to the pastors and believers there. Jeff has asked Yunior to give us a recount of their mission.
Mission trip July 5-11. 2024 Hello TREC FAMILY. It is always a blessing serving Jesus in His Kingdom, especially doing missions. A lot of great experiences come always to our lives. We really could not tell which mission is the best one we have ever had, but we can testify to you, that this last one was REALLY IMPORTANT, CHALLENGING and POWERFUL. From the very beginning we had to face a lot of problems like to rent the car, getting the gas, get all the stuffs ready and finally, GO…
Once we picked up the rental car and got home there was no time to lose. We started to put all the things God had provided into the car for bring in all the help to our brothers in the different provinces, but Since God provided much more than we were expecting, we had to unpack all the baggage and put stuff by stuff into the car in order to be able to bring all the stuff with us. Of course, the Ladies played a very important role. After a prayer, God helped us how to get all the things in. Then, we were able to leave but as you can see, it was very hard even for driving because praise Jesus the car was really packed.
Two hours on the way, the car broke down. We were in the middle of nowhere and we decided to sing some pentecostal war songs. Later, when we sang several songs, we decided to make another phone call to figure out what to do. Finally, we were able to move the car many miles back to a repair shop and waited until the mechanic to fix it. As you can see in the pic, it was crazy to us because the problem was in the gas pump of the car which is located under the back seat…. So, we had to remove a lot of stuff from inside of the car in order to fix it. We do not have to tell you that our next challenge was to put all the stuff back in again, but this time, without the ladies…. Hahaha.
We spent almost five hours total until the car got finally fixed, but remembering Romans 8:28. God always has the best plan.

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Though they live very far away one for another in different provinces, Yaili is always checking on her and leading her on her faith in Jesus. It was the second time we were able to visit Jacqueline. We did it first on our previous mission and this last one. Praise Jesus we were able to share food, supplies and some specific medicines (Hydrocortisone). Jacqueline has to take this medicine for the rest of her whole life because she got her pituitary removed on a surgery and it is really hard to get here in Cuba. But the most important thing was to see her constant in her faith a s a believer. Praise God for it! It was a real thing that we were already tired, but as real warriors we had to So, after prayers, tears, hugs and so, continue our journey.

We said bye and keep going to the next province, Holguín. On our way there in the midnight we had to stop a lot of time because there was a big accident and the road was blocked. Finally, we headed for Holguín. There were three churches we would visit there. One of them, the first one, was in Deleite, the town where Yissell, Albert’s wife was born. As always, the pastor of Delite and his wife Elba, received with a very warm hug and smile. They are really very hearted humble people and very simple guys. Always wanting to share all they have and try to keep people very happy and blessed. It was an honor to visit and hang out with the pastors at Deleite. We had finally to leave to go to the church at Saetía Key. This is one of the churches visited several times by Yunior and Albert since they founded their missionary ministry Warriors of God. Below on the picture Yudemnis and his wife Yudelkis which are the pastors at the Key. It was a great happiness to finally be able to see them and hug each other.

After talking and sharing testimonies, getting updated and so, the night arrived. We got a bath with one bucket of water each, because there is no longer running water there and then, we had meal together.
It was an awesome experience to share time and testimonies and the meal with those brothers and sisters once more. We could feel like if we were in the church of the book of Acts. Late at night, we all went to sleep and get ready for the service the other day. Praise Jesus, Sunday arrived. We had a good time having breakfast with the pastor on the table, talked, shared smiles and tears of happiness while we gave many thanks to Jesus for the brothers and sisters persevering in the job of the Lord there. We were all very excited and could not wait for the service to start to worship God with freedom in the church which is located just by the house where the pastors and their family live. The presence of the Holy Spirit was there. It was Awesome to see our brother’s faces again after last time we visited that church. During the special service, Albert and Daimel said hello and shared a couple of testimonies.

After the worship and preaching we took a very blessed time with the people of the church by sharing with them bags with goods, food, medicine, different items and on of the best things they were needing(reading glasses). Below some of the brothers and sisters wearing their glasses.

What a happiness to see people being able to read their Bible again!!! God provided not just for the people of that area, but for other churches we passed by. Then we had a snack and while we ate, we spent some time sharing testimonies and encouraging them to keep on going on. What an awesome time together. These people live very far away from the city and there is no help for them. There is no market, no pharmacy, but this makes their faith grow bigger. If they get sick you should probably reconcile with Jesus because you know you are leaving this earth or wait to claim your miracle. There was a black out for many hours and in spite of the mosquitos, the high temperatures, and the darkness we were praising God. Satan could not steal our joy. Praise God for rechargeable fans!

We left to visit the last church in our schedule, located in Guardalavaca. A town in Holguín. It was the first time we visited Pastor Alexis and his wife Doraly. We connected with them through out Alain and Laura, a married couple who now live in America and the Lord has been using them in a very great way for The Glory of Jesus. Alexis and Doraly have an awesome testimony. They have lost two children and instead of pulling away from the Lord, they are serving Jesus in a very strong way. He is the only one Who gives us Strength in the middle of our trials. It impacted us the way they received us it felt like we had been together for many years.

Praise God we were able to come back to Havana safely and share testimonies with the many people who were praying and gave stuff for the people there.
We would love to give you guys many thanks for been praying us and for all the support you gave for this mission. Without all of that, it wouldn’t being the same. Please, keep praying for us as we keep praying for you all. We are really pleased to be part of the army of the Lord and belong to this very lovely TREC’s Family. Doing God’s job is something without comparison!
Yunior, Albert, and Daimel – Warriors Of God
It was so exciting to hear from the guys as they were on mission and to be able to share with you what the Lord is doing in Cuba. YOU are a vital part of this work. YOU are useful to the Kingdom and God has a purpose for your life! Thank you for being a part of expanding the Kingdom in Jesus name!
We love you and are privileged to serve with you!
Jeff & Trudy
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