August 2024 – Ministry Update

“What we believe about the future is one of the best predictions for how we act today.”

– Tim Keller

The summer is long and hot. I’m tired of the heat and can get aggravated easily. I make excuses so I don’t have to get out in it and work, exercise, or fellowship. I long for a cool breeze and low humidity. I know many of you know exactly what I’m talking about. Summer in the south can be brutal. Then I turn my thoughts to my friends in Cuba and I snap out of it quickly!

In the past, I’ve tried to paint a picture for you of the conditions on the island, but I don’t think I do it justice. This summer has been particularly hard. Jeff told Yunior it has been in the upper 90’s here and Yunior said it is that hot in their HOUSE! And because of the fuel shortages the government has not sprayed for mosquitos and we all know that the mosquito is the deadliest animal in the world killing more people than any other creature. Dengue fever is spreading like wildfire in Cuba. We’ve seen reports that 7 out of 10 people are suffering with this virus. We have had to postpone our fall trips to keep people safe. Which means we won’t be getting much needed supplies to our friends. Yes, I still can send groceries to them through Supermarket 23, but it’s expensive and continual, and we are depleting our funds quickly. We need help to continue. Many of you have reached out to provide money for Yaili’s medical expenses and also to help buy groceries. Some of what you’ve given has bought medicine, bread machines, rechargeable fans, car parts, and a host of other “small” items needed.

Speaking of Yaili…she has recently spent some time with Yunior’s family which has been such a blessing for her. She had her own room, was able to share the gospel with several family members, and worship at their church. She submitted the paper work to get her permanent resident status about 2 months ago. Please pray that paperwork gets approved so she can travel back and forth to Cuba. They are all missing each other and need to be together. Michael, Yunior’s oldest, turned 18 this year which means 3 years required service in the military. He was taken to the base a month ago and in the course of training broke his arm. Pray for Michael that his arm will heal quickly and for comfort as he’s away from his family.

Jeff is getting ready to head to India to see Jiwan. The team (Jeff Benefield, James Duke, and Matt Mays) leave September 18th. Last years golf tournament has helped Jiwan build two churches in the Darjeeling area and the guys are headed over to check it out and connect again with many church planters and pastors that we haven’t seen in several years. Please pray for them as they prepare to go and for opportunities to share the Gospel.

Your gifts are making a difference in the world. Your gifts are what the Lord uses to introduce Jesus to desperately lost people. We rely 100% on the Lord to show us where He’s working and to supply us with what is needed to accomplish His mission. We cannot thank you enough for your obedience to His prompting. We are honored to have you partner with us!

We have been praying that God would meet our needs, that the Church would rise in the midst of adversity and not grow weary in doing good, that Jesus would save people all over the world, and that God would show His power in ways that would leave us speechless. And, guess what?

Thank you for working with us to fulfill the great commission. What we are doing today will impact the future for good and our prayer is that many more will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
God Bless,

Jeff & Trudy

After the worship and preaching we took a very blessed time with the people of the church by sharing with them bags with goods, food, medicine, different items and on of the best things they were needing(reading glasses). Below some of the brothers and sisters wearing their glasses.

Thank you for supporting this work through monthly giving or one time gifts.

Together we can make a difference in the world for King Jesus!


Just a reminder that you can give online, through your banks bill pay option, with Venmo (@trec-international), and as always by check.

Mail checks to:

PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124



July 2024 – Ministry Update

“My dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 This month Yunior, Albert, and Daimel (a new believer) went on

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June 2024 – Ministry Update

During the summer months we don’t usually travel to Cuba, so we have been helping many families with supplies that I can purchase through online grocery stores. There are two stores we can access. One is called Diplomarket aka the “Cuban Costco” and the other is Supermarket 23. You’ve heard

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May 2024 – Ministry Update

Jeff and I went down to Cuba this past weekend to attend Albert’s daughter’s 15th birthday party (Quinceañera) and to take some supplies down. It was a sweet time with Yunior, Albert, and their families. While we were there we were able to spend some really good quality time with

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