Project Rice is Underway!
We’ve sent payment for the first month of rice and lentils. First to our friends in the mountains, the porters, who we are trying to reach with the Gospel, and the second one to the Church in Pokhara. THANK YOU! You are not only helping hungry people, but you are living out your purpose to make disciples of Jesus. By helping, you are giving Sanjeep, Bishal, and their teams the opportunity to tell lost and hopeless people about the risen Savior!
We will continue this campaign to hopefully send funds for the 2nd month of rice and lentils to comfort and reach more people! If you’d like to help us, you can give online at under the support link. Please mark your donation for RICE. Or you can send a check to TREC at PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124 and mark it for RICE as well. Thank you for being a blessing.

Praying is Enough
We are doers, aren’t we? We want to fix things when we see a need. That’s how we feel about our brothers and sisters in Cuba.
Things are so much worse in Cuba. They live under a communist regime; there is very little food and basic essentials. People are standing in line for hours and walk away with nothing. We know that whole families are splitting up and going out to find something to eat. It’s awful that we can’t send something to help.
We feel so helpless, but we are not! We have access to the King of Kings; He is our Father, and He hears us in our times of despair. Would you pray with us for the freedom of Cuba, for the end of this pandemic, and for people to turn to the only help there is…JESUS?!

Our Brand New Website
Notice anything different about our website? It’s been completely redone and is brand new! It’s going to give us the ability to keep you updated with all that is going on. We have been wanting to do this for so long, and believe it or not the Covid-19 virus
has made a way for this to happen.
We are eager to share with you something new for us and a better way to stay connected. The newsletters will be posted each month, and we will also be able to send them to your email address if you’d like. By doing this we can cut down on printing and postage expenses, which is one of our bigger expenses.
Of course, we’d never force you to go digital, but it’s a great option. If you just like getting a letter in the mail and prefer to write a check, then things for you won’t change! But, if you’d like to sign up to receive the newsletter digitally you can fill out your information at the bottom of this page.
Giving will be easier online as well. When you get your digital newsletter each month, there will be a link to take you directly to the support page. I know some of you have been waiting for this!
Could you do us a favor? Would you forward the web address to friends and family who may be interested in what is going on with TREC? Maybe you’ve talked with your small group about a project and have even helped us in the past. Now is a good time to share that website with them
so they can all get the news firsthand. Maybe you could even share it on your Facebook or
Instagram account? We appreciate you getting the word out for us.
We’d also like to thank Dogwood Media Solutions, who are friends of ours, for all their hard work on the website. They are awesome! Check them out at
During this time of uncertainty we can trust the Almighty. We have seen, as some of you have, the Lord use this time for good. We look forward to hearing your God stories about how the Lord has
redeemed this situation for your good. Let’s start flooding social media with our God stories so the world will see the light of Jesus. So many are facing this without hope.