November 2024 – Ministry Update

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12

As we near the end of the year, we are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing to bring people from darkness into His glorious light! We wanted to give you a quick update on the medical clinic on Tisai Island in Uganda. Pastor Martin has been instrumental in overseeing this project and has had to deal with a lot of red tape. Below is a brief update. Pastor Martin was able to talk a government official into building a bridge to the island which is a game changer for these people.

Also, we wanted to share with you some thoughts from Matt Mays who went to India with Jeff a months ago. It’s always good to hear how the Lord uses these missions in the lives of the people who go.

As always, we invite you to get your faith dirty in 2025. There is a place for you on mission!

Brother Jeff,

First I praise the Lord for being able to write to you again.

I would like to report that as of October 2024, for the first time I was able to drive through the new bridge to Tisai Island in my van to see the Medical Unit we are building.

The brick and mortar work is finished and the building is ready for painting beginning in two weeks as they wait for the floor to dry.

I am working on papers to present to some organizations for tools and equipment that will be used in the clinic. One Episcopal Bishop has indicated to the community that once the wards are built, he will donate beds to it. He has them in the container waiting to hand to us.

I also spoke to the government Minister and member of Parliament of this area who was instrumental in drawing the attention of the government to build this bridge and he has promised to work with the church to supply medical equipment for this unit. He will be coming to visit the unit in the near future.

Martin Odi

As I process our time in India, I am still blown away by the goodness of God. I am so thankful for privilege of seeing what God is doing around the world as He continues to grow His church. How exciting that our Lord calls us to Himself, redeems us, equips us, and sends us! (And so much more!) I am humbled that we get to join Him in His mission in pushing back darkness through the preaching of the good news of Jesus Christ!

Whether in the mega city of New Delhi or in tea garden villages near Nepal, we could sense the presence of the Lord! I wept as we prayed over the city; I was awed by the life transforming power of Jesus; I was encouraged by heartfelt worship in a language that transcends all culture – the cry of God’s people to their heavenly Father; I was convicted by lives that are consumed with making Jesus known among the nations. I am compelled to follow Jesus more fervently! Lord, help us!

So many “take aways” from such a mission as this; here’s a couple: While in Delhi, we spent time with a dear couple, whose family faithfully serves the community for the glory of God. The wife would tell (with sincere emotion and much expression) of a dramatic journey of faith of a dear friend, or some miraculous provision from the Lord, and she would pause and winsomely say: “God has been so kind to allow us to see this.” This really stuck with me: the kindness of God in all that He is and does and that we get to be a witness to it and even have some small part. Wow! On another occasion, we were on mission with Jiwan, who seems more focused than ever in advancing the Gospel. When asked about his tireless, consistent efforts among the villages and mountains he states: “While it is day, we work; the night is coming, and we have work to do.”
Psalm 67:4 exclaims: “Let the nations be glad and sing for joy…” What makes the nations be glad and sing for joy? When they hear and positively respond to our gracious God’s call to trust and join Him, knowing that because of Jesus, their sins are forgiven!

Let’s follow Jesus together! Let’s join Him in His work! Let the nations be glad!

Matt Mays

Matt leading prayer in Delhi

We have so much to be thankful for and as we get closer to the end of the year we can look back and see the hand of God at work in us through TREC. It’s so very exciting to see all the Lord has accomplished and provided during a really difficult time in our ministry. The Lord is Faithful and True and He will bring forth what He has promised. When we took the first steps to make TREC a reality in 2004 we knew that this mission was not something we could sustain. We knew our abilities and talents and how much we lacked. The Lord assured us of His ability and that He wasn’t looking for us to do anything but trust and obey. We are counting our blessings in 2024 and look forward in anticipation to all the Lord will do in 2025.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and we pray you have a sweet time reflecting on all the Lord has accomplished through you!

Jeff & Trudy

Help us continue to love and minister to the lost and hurting in 2025.


We need your help to make budget for this year and to move into 2022 with some momentum. Please consider giving to help us with the on-going expenses of reaching the lost and caring for those the Lord has put before us in Cuba, Uganda, India, and Nepal.

A one-time financial gift or monthly support would help us so much. You can give online, through your bank’s Bill Pay option,
on Venmo @trec-international or by check to
TREC at P.O. Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124.
Thank you for being on mission with us!



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November 2024 – Ministry Update

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12 As we near the end of the year, we are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing to bring people from darkness into

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