February 2020: Ministry Update

I am excited to inform you all that we have made our initial order for our “Boots & Bibles” project in Nepal. Not long from now, because of your generous giving and prayers, men carrying heavy
loads in flip-flops on the Annapura Circuit, a region of Pokhara, Nepal, will receive a pair of leather, waterproof hiking boots, a pair of wool socks, and a bible. Our prayer is that this gift of grace will soften their hearts to receive the Gospel and that their lives will be changed forever. We know that this project will not be successful without your continual prayer support and intercessions. Could you please pray for the following and if you have a prayer journal, please add this list to it.

  • Bishal & Yamuna are the couple that will be heading up this project in Nepal. Pray our Lord guides their steps and blesses them as they do the Lord’s work in this rugged part of the world.
  • Pray for the porters who have yet to hear the gospel. Our prayer is that the Lord will keep them safe until they have heard His good news. We have received reports that the Coronavirus is now in Pokhara (the city where we work) and is spreading. 
  • Pray for divine wisdom as we start this project. We know that Satan doesn’t want this project to start and be successful.
  • Pray for the Lord to rid the world of the Coronavirus. People are perishing every day without hearing the gospel. Nepal borders China and the people of Nepal are living in fear.
  • Pray the church will have a sense of urgency and deep burden to reach the lost like never before.
  • I planned on being in Nepal March 30 – April 8 and need God’s direction and wisdom on whether I should go at this time or wait for the virus threat to clear. Pray He will make it clear to me.

If you would like to give towards our “Boots & Bibles” project, you can still be a part. For $120 you can buy the boots, socks, a Bible, and also help meet the needs of our team as they share the Gospel. You can send a check to TREC or give online at trecmud.com/support. Make sure to designate “Boots & Bibles.” Our address is TREC, International P.O. Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124. I can’t wait to start sharing about the lives that the Lord has changed through this project! I give Him praise in advance!

Last month we had the privilege of training 65 pastors in the central part of Cuba. Pastor David Romero of Montgomery, Alabama, and Pastor Leonel Portillo of Cumming, Georgia, are both Hispanic pastors here in the States and did an excellent job training. What a great experience as we watched God encourage and equip these brothers in the faith! Please add these pastors to your prayer list. Cuba is under a heavy economic crisis due to sanctions and poor choices by their government. There are fuel shortages and lines at gas stations that resemble the lines here during the Carter administration. Basic needs like food and hygiene items are becoming harder to find. There are long lines of frustrated and desperate Cuban people. I am thankful God has called us to Cuba for a time such as this. March 6-13 we will be taking an evangelism team from CenterPoint in Prattville and Thorington Road in Montgomery into the villages where we drilled wells back in November of 2019. Pray for us as we join the local churches in these villages to reach the lost with the Good News. We are praying that the people we come in contact with

Last month we had the privilege of training 65 pastors in the central part of Cuba. Pastor David Romero of Montgomery, Alabama, and Pastor Leonel Portillo of Cumming, Georgia, are both Hispanic pastors here in the States and did an excellent job training. What a great experience as we watched God encourage and equip these brothers in the faith! Please add these pastors to your prayer list. Cuba is under a heavy economic crisis due to sanctions and poor choices by their government. There are fuel shortages and lines at gas stations that resemble the lines here during the Carter administration. Basic needs like food and hygiene items are becoming harder to find. There are long lines of frustrated and desperate Cuban people. I am thankful God has called us to Cuba for a time such as this. March 6-13 we will be taking an evangelism team from CenterPoint in Prattville and Thorington Road in Montgomery into the villages where we drilled wells back in November of 2019. Pray for us as we join the local churches in these villages to reach the lost with the Good News. We are praying that the people we come in contact with will drink from the Living Water and never thirst again.

Jeff McFarland



January 2025 – Ministry Update

We’re starting the new year looking forward, determined and optimistic. But we have a few things to do first…like get rid of some stuff that slows us down. I think the beginning of a new year is a good time to evaluate and adjust. What slows us down? The writer

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December 2024 – Ministry Update

A year in review…2024 brought unexpected blessings and trials. The trials could be easily added, but the blessings grew and multiplied. Because of your faithfulness, it’s a joy to go back through the last 12 months and compile a list of how YOU blessed so many with your generosity and

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November 2024 – Ministry Update

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12 As we near the end of the year, we are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing to bring people from darkness into

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