March 2019: God Stories

On December 26 a group of men went with Jeff to Nepal. Our mission is always the Gospel, and this trip we also added water filters into the mix. Sawyer International is partnering with us to get water filters into the hard to reach places. It was an incredible honor for these guys to bring the gift of clean water to the very poor. It’s also an awesome segue to be able to share about Living Water as well. I’m going to let the guys share a little about their experiences in this newsletter. I know they are still processing all that they saw the Lord do, and their lives will never be the same.

Hudson Hufham

It was amazing to see the church prospering under less than ideal conditions. Nobody complained about the lack of leg space, the lighting, or the worship. People were there to fellowship and draw closer to God. Nothing more and nothing less.

Camden Watts

The Nepal trip really gave me a great new perspective on the way I live my life. I realize now how blessed I am to be born in the U.S. where everything I could ever need was available for me. It also challenges me to put all my trust in God for all my needs like the Nepalis do, instead of putting trust in myself.

Grant Watson

Being able to go on the mission field was an absolute blessing in so many ways. My favorite part of the trip, hands down, was being able to travel to the villages so we could deliver water filters to families and schools. It was not an easy trip because it took 4 hours on a dusty, bumpy bus ride, but that made it all the more worthwhile. Being apart of that showed me the deeper joy that is found in service. The Lord also revealed some important truths to me during the trip. He showed me that being missional and hearing from the Holy Spirit’s guiding voice extends far beyond the time during mission trip. The Holy Spirit is always speaking, but the question is whether or not we’re always listening. This was a huge moment of realization for me, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the Lord’s gracious provision in allowing me to go on the trip and teaching me.

Richard Chandler

God has done some incredibly amazing things in my life over the past months. He’s restored my relationship with Jesus, restored my marriage, and my family. All at a time when the only thing I had left in life was Him. Even when life is insanely bad, he calls us to Go! Sometimes it’s where you don’t want to go and sometimes it’s doing things you’re not ready to do at a time that is only perfect for God! When we follow Jesus and He sends us out, He will do incredibly amazing things through our lives!

Parker Watts

Going to Nepal with TREC really opened my eyes to how many people are trapped in the bondage of false religions, like Hinduism and Buddhism, around the world. Jesus is needed by so many people. A missed opportunity to share the gospel internationally or at home isn’t just an “oops, my bad”, it’s potentially life or death in terms of others eternity, so don’t miss them. I also got to see what true reliance on Jesus looks like and hear stories of and see his raw power in people’s lives. In one place we visited, some of the people of the local church were only there because Jesus had healed them. Without Jesus moving first in their lives, there would be no church there, they would still be lost, and their children would not be saved.

We love to hear God stories, you know, the ones that change your life. Everything changes when God speaks! We look forward to ministering with our partner Sanjeep and his family for a long time in Nepal. You can be a part of all the Lord is doing through TREC. We encourage you to pray, give, and go and we try to make those things easy with a monthly newsletter and our web site. One of our goals (and we’re praying the Lord will bring someone to help us) is to transition into an electronic newsletter. We realize we’re not taking full advantage of technology and want to be more efficient. To be honest, it’s a little scary to change things. If getting the newsletter in an email (or however it’s done now) would be something you’re interested in, could you send us your name and email address to [email protected]?

We love and appreciate you all!

Jeff & Trudy



January 2025 – Ministry Update

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December 2024 – Ministry Update

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November 2024 – Ministry Update

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12 As we near the end of the year, we are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing to bring people from darkness into

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