"Nothing so clears the vision and lifts up the life, as a decision to move forward in what you know to be entirely the will of the Lord.” - John Paton
We’re excited about the prospect of working again soon with Jiwan. If you remember, Jeff and Chris Bond tried to get to Siliguri last summer, but because of the monsoons, their plane was unable to land. They had to cut their trip short and return home without seeing Jiwan. We’ve been in contact with Jiwan, and it looks like maybe a mission to India/Nepal will happen in December. He has a few projects he is working on, and we are excited to see how the Lord will use us to help Jiwan.

Save the Date
We wanted to let you know that the Second Annual TREC International – Stan Sherlin Memorial Golf Tournament will be on October 16, 2023. It will be at Wynlakes Country Club in Montgomery, AL, and start with an eleven o’clock lunch and noon shotgun start. Please tell a friend and sign up a team on our website. All proceeds from this year’s tournament will go to build churches in northeast India in partnership with our good friend Jiwan Pradhan.

Update on the Medical Clinic
Last year’s golf tournament project was the medical clinic on Tisai Island in Uganda, and it’s in its final phase of construction. There was a little hiccup with the government, but, after giving them more detailed plans and some money, we are cleared to continue construction. We look forward to people being ministered to and reached with the gospel of Jesus in the near future.
Babies are continuing to be born in the maternity ward, but times are very stressful in this area because of terrorist attacks. Please keep Uganda in your prayers.
As the things of this world continue to seemingly spin out of control, we find comfort in knowing the Lord has a plan. We spend a lot of time praying for our friends around the world and trying to figure out how to help.
Things in Cuba continue to deteriorate. Most everyone we know has an application to come to America. Yaili’s (Yunior’s wife) application has been accepted, and she is now in Miami with her family. They are trying to get her the medical help she needs to remove this pituitary tumor that is wreaking havoc on her body. While we are grateful she will get the medical help she needs, she’s so very lonely and homesick for her family. Yaili is strong in her faith and knows God has a plan. Our friends in Cuba whose faith and resolve to stay the course send us messages of hope, but I can only guess that they don’t want us to worry and aren’t giving a completely accurate telling of all the problems.
We have teams going to Cuba in August, September, October, and November to take in much needed supplies, share the gospel with the hopeless, and encourage the Church. Even though things are hard; the Lord is giving them opportunities to help people and further the Kingdom.
When things get heavy and our hearts are burdened, we have to remember to look up! All Eyes on King Jesus!
Jeff & Trudy