There is so much that I love about the picture above that Jeff took of these guys fishing on the Malecón in Havana, Cuba. I love the silhouette of the fishermen; the dark against the light. I love the lighthouse in the background, and El Malecón itself, a bulwark, which is five miles of seawall at the mouth of Havana Bay. I can imagine Peter and Andrew fishing as Jesus walks by and tells them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” I think that was probably the easiest decision they ever made. I can’t imagine Jesus looking at me and speaking life and truth, and me just standing there thinking fishing would be a better idea. When Jesus speaks, His words are the light in the darkness of my heart and mind and a beacon that warns and guides. Nothing can compare to knowing you’ve heard from the Lord, and when you have that assurance you will go and do whatever He is calling you to do.
I also love that Jesus said, “I will make.” I was just reading something that C.H. Spurgeon wrote: “WHEN CHRIST CALLS US by his grace we ought not only to remember what we are, but we ought also to think of what he can make us. It is, “Follow me, and I will make you.” We should repent of what we have been, but rejoice in what we may be. It is not “Follow me, because of what you are already.” It is not “Follow me, because you may make something of yourselves;” but, ‘Follow me, because of what I will make you.'”
The invitation from Jesus is still the same, He wants to make something out of us, something that will bring glory to Himself. Something that will give our lives purpose and meaning. One of the reasons TREC exists is to help you with that. We provide missions to Cuba and Nepal so that you can fish for men. Now, that kinda sounds odd when I say it like that, but you know what I mean. We’ll help you to get your God story into a format that you can share with someone and feel comfortable doing it and the opportunity to get your faith dirty. Come be apart of what the Lord is doing at TREC. The first step is to reach out to us…email us at or call or text Jeff at 334-303-2626.
On this journey to Jesus, we should all come to a place where we understand how unworthy we are, but I also hope we are all encouraged and strengthened to continue following Him because of what He can make us.
Trudy McFarland