How TREC Came to Be

Thank you for desiring to learn more about what God is doing with TREC!

In 2002, Trudy & I went on a two-week mission to India that turned our lives upside down. We began in a city that was dirty and depressing, and saw depravity that was up close and personal. We witnessed idol worship and poverty unlike we had never before seen. It was like watching a train wreck; you didn’t want to watch, but couldn’t help yourself. It tore at our emotions and drained us physically. I thought to myself, “This will be good for me and will give me a better world view. I’ll understand better what missions is all about, but I will never come back!”

We soon found ourselves in a peaceful village far away from the overcrowded, smelly city where the people had a certain light about their faces. The church high up in the mountains was full of welcoming Christians filled with an unmatched joy. We worshipped in an unfinished building and experienced a fresh breath of air from the Lord and His people. The village still poverty-stricken, but it seemed more full, where the obvious difference was Jesus!

The real-life illustration that the Lord gave me of “light” and “dark” was one that has been with me ever since. It transformed the fabric of who Trudy and I were and opened our eyes on our perception of who God is. We returned home and could not get the sights and sounds out of our heads. We wrestled with our thoughts, and with God, about what to do with this information we were now held responsible for. We knew there was only one solution…to simply obey. I resigned my job, gave up a paycheck, health insurance, and other benefits, and told God, “Yes, whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it.” I was tired of the struggle, and there was nothing left to say. Soon after, we founded TREC International.

TREC stands for: Teach, Reach, Equip & Comfort. Our joy in life is to take teams into the hard to reach places of the world and “TREC” among them. Since 2004 we have led over 70 teams and they have returned with amazing stories that simply can’t be born without a journey. There is nothing like experiencing how God changes lives, including our own. We are excited to continue hearing from the Lord and putting His heart into action as we witness Him changes lives before us.


Jeff & Trudy McFarland


January 2025 – Ministry Update

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November 2024 – Ministry Update

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