February 2024 – Ministry Update

God has given gifts to each of you…manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you. 1 Peter 4:10 

From Cuba

Yaili is doing well after having brain surgery on the 5th to remove a pituitary tumor. We all agreed that it would be better for her to stay in a hotel for a few weeks to recover in peace and quiet. Yaili’s mom is with her during the day, and her sister and other friends from the church are helping with food. I had wanted to go to Miami to see her, but the money was better spent helping her to recover. She has some medical bills we are trying to help with, so if the Lord lays it on your heart to help, she would be so grateful! Please send checks by mail to P.O. Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124 or Venmo us at trec-international.

Jeff, Heath, and Dexter will be headed to Havana Thursday, February 22 to take care of some house- keeping things ahead of the teams that will be going next month. Pray for them as they minister to our friends and carry in supplies. We still have an Amazon wishlist posted on Amazon so it will be easier for you to buy the necessary supplies for us to take in March. We so appreciate everything you do! The smallest little bit helps!

A blast from the past:

Many of you may remember Amanda from our time on Court Street. Just a quick recap…Amanda was living on the streets downtown, and she was in rough shape. After months of talking with her, I was finally able to get her to agree to go to a women’s shelter in Opelika, AL. She worked their program and graduated. She went on to work at the shelter for a while and then moved on to a job with a manufacturing business making parts for KIA.

Out of the blue last month Amanda reaches out to let me know she was able to buy her own house! First, I was so happy to hear from her and to know that she’s doing well. Second, SHE BOUGHT A HOUSE! I am so super proud of her! The Lord is so good!! I’m posting a picture of us in 2011… continue to pray for Amanda!

There’s a quote from Max Lucado in Cure for the Common Life that has stuck with me. Here’s some of what he says: “Against a towering giant, a brook pebble seems futile. But God used it to topple Goliath. Compared to the tithes of the wealthy, a widow’s coin seem puny. But Jesus used it to inspire us.”

Maybe I like it because it’s how I see myself, kinda small and insignificant. When you think about it in light of the “big picture,” we are all just so small and insignificant. But God uses us to get His purposes accomplished. He has a plan; He moves us all into position and gives assignments. It amazes me that TREC runs on such a very small budget, yet when I look at all the Lord has done, I know there is no way that we have done these things. What I know and have seen is how God takes very small gifts and talents and makes big things happen. We have seen the Lord take small donations to buy thousands of pounds of rice for a leper colony, or use a few people to minister to thousands at a medical camp. Small things surrendered into the hands of Almighty God are multiplied and magnified.

Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to help others and spread the Gospel. Together we are making a difference!



January 2025 – Ministry Update

We’re starting the new year looking forward, determined and optimistic. But we have a few things to do first…like get rid of some stuff that slows us down. I think the beginning of a new year is a good time to evaluate and adjust. What slows us down? The writer

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December 2024 – Ministry Update

A year in review…2024 brought unexpected blessings and trials. The trials could be easily added, but the blessings grew and multiplied. Because of your faithfulness, it’s a joy to go back through the last 12 months and compile a list of how YOU blessed so many with your generosity and

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November 2024 – Ministry Update

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12 As we near the end of the year, we are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing to bring people from darkness into

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