My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5
Jeff is leaving Friday, February 18th for Uganda. He will be going with Chris Bond with Designs for Hope, whom we have partnered with before. Pray for them as they travel, and for their health especially the added burden of testing and Covid restrictions. They will be there to see the Maternity Ward and how things are progressing, and will also be looking at some other clean water projects in Uganda. Jeff wanted to get a feel for how things will be set up in the Maternity Ward, how things will flow, what equipment is needed and to meet the midwives and staff that will work there. It will just give him a good idea of how things will work once we start taking teams over. There is a lot of logistics in taking a team on an international mission, and we like to be sure to work out all the kinks beforehand. Jeff will return on March 1, so we can expect some stories of how the Lord is moving and growing His church. Here’s the most recent picture we have of the Maternity Ward.

That brings me to a few other projects in Uganda we are working on and how you might like to get involved. Pastor Kato’s vision is for every expecting mother to receive a “Mama Kit” These kits contain prenatal vitamins and assorted things a new mother may need. If you’d like to provide a new mom with a Mama Kit they will cost about $10 each to put together. Pastor Kato says that we could easily give out 100 while Jeff is there. It would be a great project for your church group or your family to give to. You can send a check to us at PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124 and write mama kits in the memo line or give online through the website. We have already funded another project to help support Pastor Kato and his family. Work on the pig farm has begun and I’m sure we’ll soon be buying pigs! Here’s a picture of the foundation being laid.

We will also begin working on a fish pond. This project will be to help support TEE (which stands for Theologic Evangelism Education). It is a small bible college that Pastor Kato and his brother started to help new pastors. The courses are free but they have to buy their own books and the fish that are sold from the fish pond project will help with that expense. It would also be a great place for pastors and teachers from the U.S. to go and help with this training. We’ll see how that all unfolds.
Meanwhile back in Cuba, things are coming along with the repair of the taxi. I know Yunior and Albert will be happy to get back up and running. Parts for the taxi are not readily available so pray that they will be able to find all they need. I’m sharing a few photos showing where they are in the process.

We are excited about Jeff’s trip and know the Lord will use Jeff and Chris in awesome ways. We know that is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that men and women come to know Jesus, so thank you for standing in the gap for them in prayer. Pray the Holy Spirit would move in such a way that everyone is left speechless. We count it a privilege to work with you as we reach hurting and lost people with the gospel of Jesus Christ!