February 2021: Ministry Update

Let’s not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest—if we do not give up. 

Galatians 6:9

Those of you that know me, know that I like plants and piddling around in my garden. I love starting with nothing but good dirt. You add some seed, you water it, and wait. After waiting several days you’ll start to see new growth. You’ll see green life popping up out of the drab soil, and after several months of care for these once little seeds, you will get to see the multiplication principle of growing vegetables. You get to partake of harvest time. You get to eat!

Right now it’s hard for gardeners because we are waiting for temperatures to rise so we can plant. We have prepared the soil and done all we can do, but now we must wait. As I write this newsletter it is cold and rainy outside. It’s not my favorite time of year. I find myself growing impatient as I wait for spring time, but we must all go through the the winter season. As I was walking through my garden this morning in between rain showers, I stopped and looked at my blueberry bushes and a big smile came across my face. You know what I saw? I saw buds of hope! Each bud representing growth and fruit. I know it’s winter time, but springtime is not far away. I saw hope in my blueberry bushes, hope on my wisteria vines, and hope on my Japanese maple.

I know this last year has been very difficult, and 2021 is not looking great either, but let me just encourage you that springtime is on the way! Our God is in control and on His throne. I really believe that through the life lessons learned in 2020, God will strengthen His church and advance the gospel like we have never seen before. We must look for the “spiritual buds of hope” all around us and not lose hope.

As you are reading this newsletter, I will most likely be in Uganda doing some survey work to see if God wants us to TREC in this area of the world. I am energized by the thoughts and possibilities of new ministry opportunities. Please keep me in your prayers as I plan to be there February 16-25. Pray God will give wisdom, discernment, and make His will perfectly clear for us in Uganda. Please keep praying for our missions partners in Cuba and Nepal who are enduring a “winter season” like never before. Pray for their hope and pray that God will show them that springtime is coming. We can’t grow weary in doing good but in due time we will reap a great harvest if we don’t quit. Don’t quit in wintertime, press on! Springtime is coming and with it follows a great harvest!

Jeff McFarland

Our friends and ministry partners in Cuba are really struggling. Life in Cuba is difficult on a good day, so you can imagine how hard things have been there lately. Manuel and Rachel never complain when we talk about how things are going. You have been helping them and other ministry partners with basic necessities by giving to TREC. Out of their lack, they decided to share with a family that lives near them who was also struggling, but had no one to help them. Manuel and Rachel gave what little they had. Some of their friends at church wanted to pitch in to ease the burden. What started out as helping this one family has become a church-wide ministry they are calling Samaritan Ministry. They are seeking out those who are in need among them and pooling their resources to meet that need. They were telling us about it and were so excited. This month we added a little more to what we normally have been sending to help out. Isn’t it awesome to see God at work? Hope springs eternal! If you’d like to help out Manuel and Rachel with this project, you can donate online or by check to TREC at PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124. Mark it: Samaritan Ministry. Pray for our Cuban brothers and sisters. 

We are thankful to each of you who pray for us and give to the work the Lord is doing through TREC. If you haven’t already signed up to receive the newsletter by email, we would like to encourage you to do so. At the bottom of this page is a place to sign up. We will be trying to phase out of the hard copy of this newsletter by the end of May. It’s just too expensive for print and postage. We could be ministering more without this $400 expense each month. When you sign up you will still have the opportunity to give, it will just be online through Paysimple, which is a secure site. You can give one time gifts or you can set up recurring payments. If you just like writing that check each month, I will be happy to supply you with envelopes just email me at [email protected]. We look forward to filling you in on Jeff’s trip to Uganda in the next newsletter and all the possibilities that lie ahead in 2021. There is still so much left to do and time is growing short. 

Trudy McFarland


January 2025 – Ministry Update

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December 2024 – Ministry Update

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November 2024 – Ministry Update

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