We’re heading to Cuba at the end of the week and are looking forward to seeing our friends and to take them items they desperately need. Because of how bad things are in Cuba (water, food, fuel shortages, and an energy crisis), we will only be staying long enough to drop off supplies, evaluate the water problem on the farm, find a solution with the help of Designs For Hope, and love and encourage our friends. Please pray that the supplies we are taking in will make it through customs without a problem.
Thank you to those of you who have helped gather supplies. Your generosity is overwhelming. Many of you have bought or donated boots, sheets, over the counter medicines, drum sticks, towels, personal hygiene items, clothes, and so much more. I was reminded of one of God’s promises the other day from Psalm 41:1. Blessed are those who have regard for the poor (or considered the helpless); The Lord will deliver him in the day of trouble. Thank you for not only being hearers of the Word, but being doers. It takes all of us working together to take care of the body of Christ.

Awake, O Sleeper!
I knew something wasn’t quite right. I had a lot of excuses for why I was feeling sluggish and out of sorts. I feel like I’ve just been going through the motions. Honestly, it’s been going on for so long now that I just thought, “this is who I am now.” But it’s not…I feel like I just woke up from a deep sleep, and it’s taking me a minute to collect myself. You see, I think I was asleep, a very deep spiritual sleep, and I don’t think I’m the only one. Yesterday, Jeff and I were at Heritage Baptist Church in Prattville where he was teaching. A beautiful older woman came to talk to me. Her voice was so kind, and I immediately recognized my Savior. Even though her voice was soft and kind, her words were strong and pierced my soul. At first, she was telling me about what the Lord has said to her in her prayer time and how He had shown her a way to take care of missionaries who had come off the field due to health reasons or age. It was a great conversation that turned very personal. As she spoke about all this, the Lord was flooding my heart. He told me to focus my attention on Him. To quit worrying about the physical things and to return my attention to the Spiritual. He wanted me to remember who my Shepherd is. Hasn’t He always provided and protected? Has He ever been selfish with His peace, mercy, grace, or love? At some point I had lost perspective and didn’t even realize it. As this sweet saint spoke to me, I heard Jesus loud and clear: Wake Up!
There’s a story I heard years ago about a Christian couple who were born in an Islamic country. They were persecuted for their faith and were always afraid for their lives. They had started the process of seeking asylum in America; and, after seven years, they were finally granted permission to come. They had been living in the States about six months and one evening the wife said to the husband, “We have to go back home.” He couldn’t possibly understand why she would want to go back, and when he asked why she told him, “The church here in America has fallen asleep, Satan is singing a lullaby and I’m getting sleepy.”
I’m thankful for gentle nudges, and as kindly as I can, but also with a sense of urgency, I want to tell you that it’s time to wake up and be about the Father’s business. Refocus and get ready. It’s important! Thank you for letting me share my heart.