The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
I wanted to give a quick update on all the things we’ve got going on right now. Even though it has been harder to travel, we have kept up with relationships and projects. Now, more than ever, the need is great. People are living in darkness and fear, but adversity always brings opportunity. Our partners and friends around the world are finding ways to share the Good News, and we are helping them to meet needs.
As you may know, we are committed to helping pastors and church planters support themselves by creating small businesses for them. As we develop these businesses they are able to provide for their families and ministries.
One of the businesses that was started in Nepal is what we’re calling the “Cottage Project.” Pastor Sanjeep lives in an area that is famous for its mountain treks. He lives just minutes from the Annapurna Circuit in the Himalayan mountains. He had the idea to buy some land where cottages could be built, like a small compound, so trekkers could stay on their way to base camp. One of the cottages would be the office and a small home for Sanjeep and family, and then he would have several others to house trekkers or teams from the States when we go. This project is 75% completed. Thank you CenterPoint Church for making this business a reality.

Another project we’re helping with is the Samaritan Ministry that started out of necessity in Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, where Manuel and Rachel live. They have been told by local merchants to buy rice in quantity because they’re not sure how much longer it will be available. A 100 pound bag of rice is $170. If you’d like to help them with this, it would be greatly appreciated. They have not been able to get milk in about 9 months, and many other common items are scarce.

We are still working to fund the maternity ward in Bwera, Uganda. Jeff has talked with many pastors and missions committees about this project, and several of you have donated part or all of your stimulus check toward this project. We will just keep plugging away at this until it is complete. We also want to help Pastor Kato with a pig farm that he says will be helpful to many in his village and also provide for his family’s living expenses. This project is $1870. I’ve added a picture of what this might look like when complete.

The best way to help with these needs is to write a check to TREC at PO Box 242205 Montgomery, AL 36124 and write in the memo line where you want your gift designated. You can also send a check directly through your bank through bill pay to the same address. Donating online through the website is easy or you can give through Venmo @trec-international. There is still so much left to do. I guess we’ll be saying that until we go home or until the Lord returns. Our goal is to snatch as many people as possible out of darkness and bring them into God’s marvelous light. Thank you for being a vital part of that mission. We pray God’s richest blessings on you and your family! Get Your Faith Dirty.