April 2019: God Stories

It was amazing to hear the God stories from each member of the team and to see the Lord making those stories happen before our eyes. One such story happened while I was out sharing my story in the neighborhood.

Jeff, Gail, and our translator, Albert, and I had the opportunity to be on a front porch sharing with a grandmother, her son, Albert, and his daughter. All three of them became new before our eyes when they professed faith in Jesus. It was wonderful to see three generations turn from darkness to light!

The next day we were out again. This time I was on a different team but still with my trusty side-kick, Albert. We happened upon a train stop where a man, Enrique, sat drinking rum. We talked with him for a little bit, and he shared with us about a tragic life that had led him to alcohol. As we were telling him about Jesus and the hope and peace that He offers, our friend Albert from the day before showed up.

He started sharing with Enrique about his encounter with Jesus and is pleading for his friend to follow Jesus. Enrique seemed confused, he said, “You’re just like me, I know you.” and Albert said, “No, I’m not like you, I’m different. Jesus changed me yesterday.” It was discipleship 101 happening right before us!

After talking a little more, Enrique entrusted his life to Jesus. Please pray for these men and for all the people who had an encounter with Jesus. Satan is on the prowl, but Jesus WINS! Thank you for being apart of what the Lord is doing through TREC. We need you now more than ever as we press in to what He has called us all to do…Go, make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey. We love you!


Norm’s Testimony

Jeff and Trudy did a great job putting this team together. It was a great pleasure to be hosted by Pastor Ricardo and his family. I sensed that he and his entire family genuinely accepted us and worked hard to serve us and to lead us in ministry. It was refreshing to see their love for the Lord and their concern for sharing the gospel in their community. It was a good demonstration of authentic Christianity. The translators were also great. It was good to get to know them, and I felt a oneness of Spirit with them.

It is always good to get to share the good news. I enjoyed going out with the team and meeting the Cuban families and sharing and praying with them. I always come back grateful for how God has blessed me, my family, and America. I also come back with a renewed challenge of the responsibility for reaching people all over the world and that Jesus and the church really is the hope of the world. Thanks for allowing me to be part of your team. I look forward to more opportunities.

Norm Bell

Tucker’s Testimony

Jeff and Trudy are an amazing couple who have devoted their lives to serving our Lord Jesus Christ. It was such a pleasure to serve alongside them this past week in Cuba. Jeff and Trudy have partnered with a local church in Cuba that is led by Pastor Ricardo. This church is a true example of what the church looked like in the book of Acts. It is a family who is on fire for the gospel. They were so excited to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others, and their child-like faith was inspiring. They accepted all of us from the United States completely and put their trust in us. Each day, Pastor Ricardo put us into teams to share the gospel with the community. The Americans were put into groups with a translator and a few members of the church. Then we went out to share the gospel. The Cuban church members were truly impressive, but not in the way you might think. When presenting the gospel message they were humble, respectful, and kind, yet focused and determined. A true example of 1 Peter 3:15, “…always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and respect.” People were professing faith in Jesus Christ right after we shared with them, it was amazing! I can’t wait to go back to Cuba!

Tucker Pearson


January 2025 – Ministry Update

We’re starting the new year looking forward, determined and optimistic. But we have a few things to do first…like get rid of some stuff that slows us down. I think the beginning of a new year is a good time to evaluate and adjust. What slows us down? The writer

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December 2024 – Ministry Update

A year in review…2024 brought unexpected blessings and trials. The trials could be easily added, but the blessings grew and multiplied. Because of your faithfulness, it’s a joy to go back through the last 12 months and compile a list of how YOU blessed so many with your generosity and

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November 2024 – Ministry Update

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12 As we near the end of the year, we are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing to bring people from darkness into

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